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Does your dog pull your arm off when you go for a walk?

Do they ignore you when you ask them to come back?

Have you tried everything and your dog still doesn't listen?

Golden Retriever

Owning a badly behaved dog

can take over your life

  • You might be embarrassed to invite guests over because for fear of your dog jumping all over them.

  • You could despair that your pup will ever come when called.

  • Walks can become a nightmare, with you constantly tensed up and waiting for your dog to pull your arm off again.

  • Your dog may steal food or scavenge everything that they shouldn't when out on walks.

  • You may feel like you've tried everything to get your dog to listen, to no avail.

If any of this is applies to you,

You're in the right place!

What classes do we offer

We offer a 6-week obedience course to dogs, from 6 months of age upwards

Good Dog Obedience Classes

Group Obedience Classes

Where are classes held?

We offer classes in your home at the moment, while our training field undergoes some upgrades.

Please note that we do not cover behaviour issues in this course, such as resource guarding, aggression, major reactivity, separation anxiety, etc. Please see our behaviour classes for issues like these, or call us to discuss which class is best for you.

lady heeling with dog
Lady and Pitbull

What will you learn?

  • You will learn everything that you need to know, to turn your pooch into a balanced and well mannered family member.

  • We will show you not only what to teach your dog, but why we teach it that way too.

  • This will provide you with a better understanding of how your dog thinks and should help you to better train them and problem solve any possible future issues.

Some exercises that we cover include:

  • Sit, Down, Stand

  • Stay

  • Recall

  • Loose Lead Walking

  • Door Manners at home

  • Eye Contact

  • & Lots more

  • Treats and Nutrition

  • Handling and Grooming

  • Leave it

  • Go to Bed

  • Chill at a Cafe

  • Drop It

Start training your dog today!

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