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Three French Bullgod Puppies


Is your puppy chewing everything, including your hands?

Do they run away when called or ignore their name?

Are you feeling lost when trying to train obedience and manners?

Train Your Puppy in Your Own Home!

puppy biting

Did you know...

Most of a dog's behavioural problems arise in their first year of life?

Socialising your puppy incorrectly can lead to...

reactivity and aggression.

Managing your puppy's biting incorrectly can lead to... 

life-long biting and chewing issues.

Potty training your puppy incorrectly can lead to... 

lifelong accidents inside the house.

Teaching recall incorrectly can lead to... 

a dog who refuses to come back to you.

Lead training incorrectly can lead to... 

an adult dog who thinks that pulling you around is the best way to get anywhere. 

What classes do we offer

We offer two puppy class options, to ensure that your pup has the best chance at success:

Baby Obedience

(Puppies < 3 months old)​

Smarty Pup

(Puppies 3-6 months old)

Group Training Classes

(3-6 months old)

Where are classes held?

golden retriever puppy

We offer classes in your home, while we complete

renovations on our training field.

puppy smiling

What will you learn?

  • We aim to teach you everything that you will need to raise your puppy into a stable and well mannered adult.

  • You will learn not only what to teach them, but why we teach it that way too.

  • This will provide you with a better understanding of how your dog thinks and should help you to train them better and problem solve any future issues that may pop up.

Some exercises that we cover include:

  • Sit, Down, Stand

  • Stay

  • Recall

  • Loose Lead Walking

  • Leave it

  • Go to Bed

  • Chill at a Cafe

  • Door Manners at home

  • & Lots more

  • Potty training

  • Crate training

  • Managing puppy biting

  • Preventing reactivity

  • Preventing Separation Anxiety

  • Treats and Nutrition

  • Handling and Grooming

Start training your puppy today!
Private Classes

Group Classes

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