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Terms & Conditions



Terms And Conditions



  • Agreement means the quotation, acceptance and the following terms and conditions.

  • Work or works means behaviour consultations, handouts, written reports, behaviour programs and training programs created by Planet Pup. It may also describe other services such as administrative, training meetings and other tasks which are necessary in the creation of the programs/trainings.

  • The Company refers to Planet Pup and can also extend to Lauren Smith.

  • The Client means the individual who requested the work.

  • The Handler is the individual or individuals who are training the dog.

  • The Owner is the individual whom the dog is legally registered to.

  • Spectators are individuals who observe the training, and who may take parts in small amounts of the training, but are not the primary Handler for the animal.

  • Amendments means any alteration to the work.



  • The following are the terms and conditions (the "agreement") for the access and use of any person ("user", "client" or "you") to the works and services completed by Planet Pup, through which instruction, consultation, professional advice and any other information is provided. These works may be provided, be accessible or be available via multiple websites, devices, platforms and other means, whether owned and/or operated by us or by third parties, including, without limitation, the website

  • Please note, that as dogs are living animals, they are continually learning, growing and adapting to their environment. This will cause their behaviour to change over time.  Any guarantee in these terms and conditions cannot circumvent these factors.

  • The client certifies that the animal is in good health and has not been ill with any communicable diseases within the past 30 days before the purchased service starts.

  • We reserve the right to act in the best interests of the animal at all times. This includes seeking veterinary advice if he/she becomes ill or injured. If the Clients own vet is close by we will attend them, otherwise we will attend the nearest available vet. We will contact you immediately should your dog become ill. We reserve the right to seek appropriate and swift veterinary attention regardless of cost.

  • By accessing or using the Company’s website, services, or by clicking a button or a box indicating that you have read and agree to the terms of use, you are entering into this agreement. You should read this agreement carefully before using the platform or beginning works with Planet Pup. If you do not agree to be bound to any term of this agreement, you must refrain from signing up to/using the platform, or accepting any works/services provided by the Company.

  • These terms and conditions apply to all sales and works by the Company, to the exclusion of any other terms unless otherwise agreed in writing. Ordering services or using work created by the Company is automatically agreeing to these terms and conditions.

  • The Company reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice and with immediate effect.

  • These terms and conditions shall prevail over all terms and conditions of the Company’s customary practice and shall prevail over any previous course of dealings that the client has had with the Company.

  • The contents contained in the quotation (verbal or written) and these Terms and Conditions form the agreement between the Company and the Client. No variation on them will be binding to the Company unless it is agreed in writing and signed by the Company.

  • Each clause of this Agreement is independent and operates separately in its own right.

  • By agreeing to these terms and conditions your statutory rights are not affected.

  • Should the Company decide to waive any of these terms on an individual basis, this shall not affect the validity of remaining clauses or commit the Company to waive the same clause on any other occasion.

  • This contract shall be governed by the laws of Ireland and both parties shall submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

  • The Company is entitled to assign any or all of its rights and obligations included in this agreement to third parties.

  • The Company reserves the right to refuse to provide services or create work at its own discretion.

  • The Company cannot always guarantee to start work immediately.

  • If no timescale has been agreed for a service, the Company will not be responsible for any losses to the client if a deadline is not met.

  • Once the work meets the terms of specifications included within the quotation, any modifications to the work will be considered an amendment to the contract and may be charged accordingly.

  • Amendments to programmes, trainings or classes may incur an additional charge beyond that of the original invoice.

  • All amendments must be agreed by both the Company and the client.

  • Amendments may exceed original deadlines agreed by the Company and the client.


  • The Company shall complete the agreed work for the use of the client. The client may use the work or works only in its original form. Every animal is different, and the agreed works should be limited to the animal so named within the work. The training and behaviour programme is specific to the dog(s) that the programme was designed for and should not be used in part or whole with any third party.

  • Behaviour work cannot be guaranteed with any animal.

  • The company shall create behaviour and training programme to the specifications of the problems assessed at the first training session and will make amendments to the training and behaviour programme accordingly.

  • The client shall agree not to sell, destroy, deface, alter or part with work created by the Company or permit it to give it to any third party to do so.



  • Ownership of the work is retained by the Company.

  • All work created by the Company for the client is to be used for the sole purpose for which it was created. The client does not have the right to resell work created by the Company or repurpose it without written consent from the Company.



  • Work created by The Company is charged to the client at the agreed amount.

  • The full charge of the service is payable within 48 hours of booking the training session to ensure that the agreed booking is reserved.

  • Deadlines set in the agreement will not affect The Company’s right to be paid.

  • The client shall pay the Company the full price of the service before the service is conducted, unless otherwise agreed with the Company in writing.

  • The Company accepts payment via Paypal, Revolute, electronic bank transfer or cash.

  • All quotes and tenders are valid for a period of thirty days.

  • Whilst outstanding payment is due, the Company reserves the right to withhold services or goods.

  • In the event that payment is returned by the bank or card company, the Client is responsible for incurring any charges imposed by the bank

  • In case collection proves necessary, the Client agrees to pay all fees (including all legal fees and court costs) incurred by that process. If for any reason whatsoever the Company is unable to provide an agreed product or service in accordance with these terms and conditions, our liability shall be limited in its entirety to a proportional refund of any fees paid by the client for the service or product.

Sale Of Goods

  • By placing an order with the Company, the Client agrees to these Terms and Conditions which form the only agreement between us. The Company reserves the right to make changes to the items shown on this website and to remove goods and change product designs without notice.

  • Every effort has been made to ensure that the colours and images used on this website give a good representation of the products themselves, but we cannot guarantee this due to monitor resolution/brightness.



  • The Company will send confirmation of booking once full payment has been received. The booking time shall be held for 48 hours after payment has been requested, after which point the booking time will be available to other clients to book.

  • No refund will be given for works paid for if the client wishes to cancel the work after payment has been made. No works will be completed until payment has been made.

  • Should the client wish to reschedule, a week’s notice should be given to the Company and the new date should be agreed with the Company at the time of the reschedule request. If the Client would like to reschedule a workshop/training/session within one week of the workshop/training/session date then that session will be considered cancelled, and no refund will be given. A new training session will then need to be booked. In the event that the Handler or animal is sick on the day, the session may be rescheduled if a doctor/vet note is sent to the Company as confirmation of the illness. If no note from the vet or doctor is forthcoming, the session will be considered cancelled and no refund will be given.

  • Owners will not be permitted to use any piece of equipment in class unless the tutor is present and they have been given guidance on how to use the equipment safely.

  • The Company reserves the right to cancel or change an appointment at any time by notice with immediate effect, without cause. Appointments will be rescheduled to a time and date agreeable to both the Client and the Company. Money’s paid by the Client in this event may be refunded if the client does not wish to reschedule.

  • By booking, the Client agrees to keep the date and time of the consultations.

  • Should the Client arrive late, there is no guarantee that the lost time can be rescheduled for or that the class/training session can run overtime to accommodate the Client. The Company will endeavour to accommodate the Client where possible, at the discretion of the Company.


  • Goods are generally delivered within 5-10 working days subject to the goods being in stock. If there is going to be a delay for any reason, the Client will be advised fo the delay. The Company will not be liable for any consequential loss caused by failure of the carrier to deliver.

  • The price of the goods will be the price ruling at the date of order. All prices quoted include packing and VAT.Cancellation And Termination

  • The Company may, by written notice via mail or text, terminate any agreement at its discretion:

    • If the client fails to pay for goods or services.

    • If the client breaches any of the terms of the agreement.

    • If the Company discovers that the client’s use of work produced is unethical misleading or morally corrupt.

    • If the client’s use of goods or services provided is in anyway harmful to the Company or its reputation.


The Company’s preferred method of communication is via text, messenger or e-mail. However, documents can be sent by traditional post, if no other way of communication is available. Communications sent via post shall incur a postal fee to send through reports to the client. These shall be charged at the current postal rate and packaging.

  • The Company shall not be held responsible for spelling mistakes or typing errors to any documents. Signatures are not required to start a contract; verbal communication, texts, messages on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, email or any other exchanges are legally binding.THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY

  • The Company shall not be liable to any loss, injury or damage incurred by the Client, Handlers, Spectators, Owners or any other third party while taking part in the program/training/classes set out by the company, either at the premises of the Company or at any other location.

  • The Company shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage to dogs while the dogs are in the care of the Company.

  • The company shall not be liable for any financial loss or loss of profit to the Client.

  • The company will not be held responsible under any circumstances whatsoever to the Client for a lack of time, effort and circumstances from the work.

  • Handlers and/or owners remain responsible for their dogs at all times and are advised to ensure they have adequate pet or household insurance cover for liability in the unlikely event of damage or injury caused by their dog to property or to a third party.

  • Whilst every care is taken to ensure the safety of both you and your dog whilst attending the workshop/training/classes with the Company, please note that no responsibility can be accepted by the Company for any injury to yourself or your dog, or any sickness or disease contracted whilst in the field or car park or premises.

  • Client acknowledges and agrees that the Company has not represented, promised, guaranteed or warranted that Dog can be trained, that Dog will never bite, that Dog will not be dangerous or vicious in the future, that Dog will not exhibit other behavioural problems, or that the training will last for any particular amount of time.

  • Client agrees, understands and acknowledges that the elimination or modification of behaviours is not guaranteed. The Client further acknowledges that dog training will not provide exact results as each dog is different in regards to ability, breed and temperament.

  • Client understands and agrees that follow-up and future training is their sole responsibility and that they must contact the Company to schedule future training sessions.




  • All material, both text and images included in documents and on the Company’s online platform are the property of the Company.

  • No works are permitted to be copied, modified or redistributed without the express written permission of the Company.

  • The Company holds copyright of all works created.


Advice Given

  • The information and any treatment suggestions consists of the Company’s personal views and are based on the information given to The Company by the Client or person responsible for the animal(s) and or the Company’s own conclusions resulting from personally gained evidence of the animal and the related behavioural problem.

  • Dog training is a process, and treatment or training plans, for the most part, will not be successful overnight. Each animal is different, so in some cases, multiple training techniques may be required to get the desired outcome. It is not generally possible to foresee any other problems that may arise as a result of the training. All programs are specific to a certain animal and should not be attempted without on any other animal, but rather limited to the animal whose name appears in the information.

  • Medical treatment advice may be given by the Company to the Client on occasion. This advice ,may result from personal experience by the Company, information passed on by the Client and observations of the animal made by the Company. This advice should not be considered over the treatment advice of a qualified veterinary surgeon, and any advice given by the Company should be confirmed with a veterinary surgeon before being put in place. It is always recommended that the Client follow the advice of the qualified veterinary surgeon over advice given by the Company.

  • The Company does not accept any liability for any loss, damage or injury incurred by advice given to the Client.


Classes on the Company’s Premises:

  • By attending the session, the Client agrees that the use of the facilities is entirely at own risk.

  • Clients should only bring their own dog(s) and all their vaccinations and wormers should be up to date.

  • The Client is responsible for their dog/s at all times. They Company cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever, to the Client, their dog(s) or anyone else as a result of their dog(s) or otherwise. The Client should hold adequate third party insurance.

  • It is strongly recommended that the Client insures all dogs for injury. We cannot be held responsible for any injury which may occur.

  • The Company cannot take responsibility for any loss, damage or theft to vehicles or property.

  • Dogs attending each session should be from the same household. The company allows up to four dogs in the field at any one time.

  • Suitable footwear should be worn as the car park area and field may be uneven and can be wet/slippery.

  • Children are welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult and supervised at all times whilst on the premises.




Use of Photos

Client will receive regular photo and video updates during the pet’s care. If you do not give permission to use the photos and videos for promotional purposes, please notify our office via email at

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